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Around the Blogosphere: Back to School Edition

The start of a new school year has sparked quite a few organizations, groups, and individuals around the blogosphere to post back to school resources. Take a look at these juicy tidbits!

The Big Fresh from Choice Literacy offers teachers and literacy coaches ideas for classroom organization.

Reading Rockets Back to School Newsletter features a plethora of ideas including: Back to school night, 90 minute literacy block, creating a welcoming classroom for ELLs, looking at the literacy coach, and a nice selection of articles on graphic novels which includes a video by Gene Yang, author of American Born Chinese, on the making of a graphic novel. offers practical advice for parents on cultivating a child's love of reading in the age of Internet, television, and video games. This would be a great article to send home to parents during the first week of school.

Looking for ways to find out about great books to bring into the classroom or for your students to connect with other book lovers? Online Education Database offers: 100 Places to Connect With Other Bibliophiles Online.

All About Adolescent Literacy or is a relatively new website designed to provide resources for grades 4-12. The site provides information on comprehension instruction, book recommendations for teens, video interviews with authors of teen books such as David Lubar and Brian Selznick, and much, much more.

You might be interested in podcasting this year with your students. An NCTE Inbox post provides lots of resources on what it is, how to get started, and ideas for podcasts. The article point out one particular podcast you might be interested in watching by ReadWriteThink titled: Chatting About Books: Recommendations for Young Readers and Text Messages: Recommendations for Teen Readers. Both have current podcasts on back to school books.


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