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Effective Literacy Practices Video Library

I just received a link to a wonderful new series of videos on effective literacy practices developed by The Reading Recovery Council of North America in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education to offer professional development resources and activities to strengthen early literacy outcomes with K-3 students nationwide.

As I clicked on the first module, described below, I was thrilled to see Vicki Altland (in the picture above), a literacy coach at Sallie Cone Elementary in Conway, AR, and a dear friend of mine who is featured in The Joy of Children's Literature!

Professional Development Resources to Strengthen Early Literacy Outcomes

This video library offers extensive examples to help educators strengthen early literacy outcomes for K-3 students. Six effective literacy practices are highlighted to deepen teachers' understandings of literacy learning. The practices may be incorporated into teaching in the classroom, small groups, and one-on-one instruction.

The web-based modules, listed and linked at the bottom of this page, consist of a short video and a downloadable reference guide.

K-3 classroom teachers, Reading Recovery teachers, specialist teachers, literacy coaches, and school administrators who wish to develop a deeper understanding of effective literacy practices

Each module highlights one literacy practice and consists of a short video (approximately 7 minutes) and a downloadable 2-page reference guide. The guide includes the module focus, definitions and other important information, key points for teachers, and resources. Reading the reference guide prior to viewing the video will enhance your learning experience.

Participating Schools
Special thanks to these schools for their participation in videotaping module segments:

– Sallie Cone Elementary School, Conway Public School District - Conway, AR
– Ellen Smith Elementary School, Conway Public School District - Conway, AR
– Gibbs Magnet School, Little Rock School District - Little Rock, AR
– Simonton Elementary School, Gwinnett County Public Schools - Lawrenceville, GA
– Maple Elementary School, Walled Lake Consolidated School District - West Bloomfield, MI
– Tremont Elementary School, Upper Arlington City School District - Upper Arlington, OH Effective Literacy Practices Video Library Modules

Teachers may use the video library flexibly as they select and view the modules. Groups of educators may wish to view modules together and discuss implications for teaching practices.

Video 1: Making It Easy to Learn
Building on a child's strengths to set up situations in which the child is in control and will experience success while enjoying challenges within reach

Video 2: Teaching for Transfer: Strategic Activity
Exploring strategic activities initiated by children and actions teachers can take to encourage those behaviors

Selecting Texts That Are Just Right
Understanding the importance of selecting books that are just right for young readers, considerations for book selection, and the critical role of the book introduction in making books accessible and successful for the readers

Phrasing in Fluent Reading
Exploring aspects of fluent reading and supporting phrasing in fluent reading

Assessing Through Close Observation
Assessing rapid change in literacy learning of young children through close, systematic observation

Learning About Phonology and Orthography
Learning about relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language (often referred to as letter-sound associations, graphophonics, sound-symbol relationships)


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