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2011 National African American Read-In

The Twenty-Second National African American Read-In

Sponsored by the Black Caucus of NCTE and NCTE
In February 2011, you may hold an African American
Read-In event any day of the month
Tuesday, February 1-Monday, February 28, 2011
Schools, churches, libraries, bookstores, community and professional organizations, and interested citizens are urged to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month by hosting and coordinating Read-Ins in their communities. Hosting a Read-In can be as simple as bringing together friends to share a book, or as elaborate as arranging public readings and media presentations that feature professional African American writers.
To be counted as participants, simply:
  • Select books authored by African Americans;
  • Hold your event during the month of February; and
  • Report your results by submitting the 2011 African American Read-In Report Card.
The Read-In has been endorsed by the International Reading Association. Over a million readers of all ethnic groups from the United States, the District of Columbia, the West Indies, African countries, and more have participated. The goal is to make the celebration of African American literacy a traditional part of Black History Month activities.

Download an African American Read-In PacketYou can print the PDF version of the African American Read-In packet by clicking the link below. It includes a News Release, Host Invitation, and information on how to submit the Report Card.

African American Read-In Packet

We have the following suggested reading lists available:
The Host Report Card is to be submitted after your Read-In event.
You must submit a separate Report Card for each Read-In held.


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