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USBBY's Outstanding International Books List

USBBY selects an annual list of Outstanding International Books for children and young adults, which is published each year in the February issue of School Library Journal and as a bookmark. In anticipation of the 2011 list, I've listed the 2010 list below for a year in review, which includes my favorite book I read this year. Do  know which one it is?


  • Argueta, Jorge. Sopa de Frijoles: Un Poema para Cocinar = Bean Soup: A Cooking Poem. Illus. by Rafael Yockteng. Groundwood. (Canada)
  • Baasansuren, Bolormaa. My Little Round House. Adapt. by Helen Mixter. Groundwood. (Japan/set in Mongolia)
  • Kilaka, John. The Amazing Tree. NorthSouth. (Switzerland / set in Tanzania)
  • Larsen, Andrew. The Imaginary Garden. Illus. by Irene Luxbacher. Kids Can. (Canada)
  • Mahy, Margaret. Bubble Trouble. Illus. by Polly Dunbar. Clarion. (UK)
  • Nayar, Nandini. What Should I Make? Illus. by Proiti Roy. Tricycle. (India)
  • Sellier, Marie. What the Rat Told Me: A Legend of the Chinese Zodiac. Illus. by Catherine Louis. Calligraphy and chop marks by Wang Fei. NorthSouth. (France)
  • Teevee, Ningeokuluk. Alego. Tr. by Nina Manning-Toonoo. Groundwood. (Canada)

  • Bednar, Sylvie. Flags of the World. Tr. by Gita Daneshjoo. Abrams. (France)
  • Bredsdorff, Bodil. Eidi. Tr. by Kathryn Mahaffy. Farrar Straus Giroux. (Denmark)
  • Cali, Davide. The Enemy: A Book about Peace. Illus. by Serge Bloch. Schwartz & Wade/Random House. (France)
  • Gaiman, Neil. Odd and the Frost Giants. Illus. by Brett Helquist. Harper/HarperCollins. (UK)
  • Hof, Marjolijn. Against the Odds. Tr. by Johanna H. Prins and Johanna W. Prins. Groundwood. (The Netherlands)
  • Millard, Glenda. The Naming of Tishkin Silk. Illus. by Patrice Barton. Farrar Straus Giroux. (Australia)
  • Roberts, Ken. Thumb and the Bad Guys. Illus. by Leanne Franson. Groundwood. (Canada)
  • Umansky, Kaye. Clover Twig and the Magical Cottage. Illus. by Johanna Wright. Roaring Brook. (UK)

  • Clayton, Emma. The Roar. Chicken House/Scholastic. (UK)
  • Donaldson, Julia. Running on the Cracks. Henry Holt. (UK)
  • Ellis, Deborah. Children of War: Voices of Iraqi Refugees. Groundwood. (Canada)
  • Khan, Rukhsana. Wanting Mor. Groundwood. (Canada/set in Afghanistan)
  • Lawrence, L.S. Escape by Sea. Holiday House. (Australia/set in Ancient Carthage)
  • McGowan, Anthony. Jack Tumor. Farrar Straus Giroux. (UK)
  • Meehan, Kierin. Hannah’s Winter. Kane/Miller. (Australia/set in Japan)
  • Metselaar, Menno & Ruud van der Rol. Anne Frank: Her Life in Words and Pictures. Tr. by Arnold J. Pomerans. Roaring Brook. (The Netherlands)
  • Michael, Jan. City Boy. Clarion. (UK/set in Malawi)
  • Mordecai, Martin. Blue Mountain Trouble. Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic. (Canada/set in Jamaica)
  • Pellegrino, Marge. Journey of Dreams. Frances Lincoln. (UK/set in Guatemala)
  • Slade, Arthur. Jolted: Newton Starker’s Rules for Survival. Wendy Lamb/Random House. (Canada)
  • Tan, Shaun. Tales from Outer Suburbia. Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic. (Australia)
  • Thor, Annika. A Faraway Island. Tr. by Linda Schenck. Delacorte/Random House. (Sweden)
  • Uehashi, Nahoko. Moribito II: Guardian of the Darkness. Tr. by Cathy Hirano. Illus. by Yuko Shimizu. Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic. (Japan)


  • Combres, Élisabeth. Broken Memory: A Novel of Rwanda. Tr. by Shelley Tanaka. Groundwood. (France)
  • Gingras, Charlotte. Pieces of Me. Tr. by Susan Ouriou. Kids Can. (Canada)
  • Herrick, Steven. Cold Skin. Front Street/Boyds Mills. (Australia)
  • Higgins, F. E. The Eyeball Collector. Feiwel & Friends. (UK)
  • Mahy, Margaret. The Magician of Hoad. Margaret K. McElderry/Simon & Schuster. (New Zealand)
  • Mourlevat, Jean-Claude. Winter’s End. Tr. by Anthea Bell. Candlewick. (France)
  • Ness, Patrick. The Ask and the Answer (Chaos Walking Series). Candlewick. (UK)
  • Thompson, Kate. Creature of the Night. Roaring Brook. (UK/set in Ireland)
  • Valentine, Jenny. Broken Soup. HarperTeen/HarperCollins. (UK)


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